Thanks But No Thanks McDonald's

Photo courtesy

You've probably seen this image. It's from a report that surfaced a few years ago that allegedly showed how McDonald's Chicken McNuggets were made. You know, those delicious but kinda disgusting chicken mystery meat things that remind you of your childhood? Yeah, according to this report, they are made of a paste that allegedly contains every single part of the chicken, including the beaks and legs. I haven't been able to eat Chicken McNuggets since seeing this, whether it's real or not, the possibility of it being legitimate was enough to keep me away.

And McDonald's seems to know this. They came out with a new seven minute ad, that attempts to 1) debunk this report and 2) let us know that it's safe to eat McNuggets again. 

However, for all their effort, the video only makes me want to eat McNuggets even less than I did before. 

For one,  never in the video does the host say that the previous allegations were false at the time, he just says that McNuggets aren't made that way anymore. Remember, that first report came out several years ago, and McDonald's is just choosing to address it now? The timing seems a bit off.

Photo courtesy
And secondly, despite not looking like a giant albino chicken anaconda, the filling used in the golden nuggets still looks like a disgusting cement blob, and not at all appetizing. I'm seriously shocked that some of this footage made it past the public relations department. 

And finally, even though I'm an avid meat eater and have no intentions of becoming a vegetarian, I don't particularly like thinking about how my food is processed on it's way from being a living creature to being a thing I put in my stomach. I don't believe most people like to think about it actually. Yet, here, on full display, is a Tyson chicken factory with thousands of whole chickens being torn apart, splayed open and buttered to perfection before being systematically squashed into the aforementioned cement paste. 

Like I said, I don't mind eating it in ignorant bliss, but who thought that shoving it in my face would make my mouth water?

Again, where the fuck was the PR team on that one?

Thanks for trying to make me come back to McNugget's, McDonald's, but I think I'd rather just drink a shot of sweet and sour sauce instead. 

Check out the video for yourself below and let me know if you found that appetizing at all. If the video isn't working on mobile, check it out at this link.
