The Jacked Up Indie & Mojo Show Must Go On!

I'm happy to still be able to say that I host a podcast. 

I started it over three years ago with Jeremy Brown, a random guy I met online through writing. I put out a post about wanting to start a podcast about video games thinking nobody would be interested, and yet here was this guy from Montana volunteering to co-host the show. Turns out that he would eventually become one of the best friends I have in this world, and one of the few people who just get me. Online, he used the name Mojomonkey12 and I used the name indiejones. Naturally, we named the podcast The Indie & Mojo Show.

In that span of time, we've also brought on Jack Gardner, who runs the Extra-Life blog to be the third host. That's when it became The Jacked Up Indie & Mojo Show. Jack is a constant inspiration and a great friend. Together, we've done some great things with the podcast and though our recordings occasionally drop off the face of the Earth for weeks on end, we've still somehow managed to maintain a respectable following. 

I can't tell you how much I look forward to that hour and a half that I get to gab with these fellas every week. Some people play cards with the guys, I podcast. But for the last couple months, I've been worried that we wouldn't be able to continue the show, with the three of us being very busy and Jack, especially having less time to edit each episode with his busy job. I honestly thought we'd have to call it quits. 

Luckily, we decided to keep it going. And we're going to come back better and more energized than ever. If you'd like to listed to some of the episodes, head over to our hosting page and give them a listen. You can also check out this post from Jack on Game Informer that covers the last year of episodes. If you really like it, feel free to subscribe on iTunes so you never miss a show. Best part: it's free!

Thanks to anyone who listens for all your patience and support. 
