The Weekend Paper - January 10, 2015

Photo courtesy

As a writer, I am constantly trying to get better and improve my style. I’m always looking for that next success and I’d like to keep The Weekend Paper going until it becomes its own minor success. There’s much that I’d like to do in order to improve the site and to expand my creative canvas. 

The first thing I’d like is to buy a domain name and create a proper URL for the site, rather than using the constrained and janky blogspot template. I’d also like to expand my video output, and for that, I would need a more capable PC, along with a decent video capture device for pulling game footage off of the TV. In order to achieve all that I’ll need feedback and support.

Anyone who would like to support me is welcome to give a one-time monetary donation. Think of me as a street performer, and this is my guitar case. If you’d like to place a couple bills in the case, I’d greatly appreciate it. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the music. If you have any suggestions for how I can improve the site, please let me know. Because, if you’ve read this far, then you're my audience. You’re who I want to entertain and serve and for whom I intend to improve.

You can read more about how Go Fund Me works by following the link above and reading the terms and conditions. 

No matter what, thank you for reading and supporting the dreams of this struggling subway musician.

This week's posts include: 

  • I have read a lot of articles about what to expect when you're going to be a parent and giving parenting advice. But over my first year as a father, I've uncovered five things that nobody tells you about parenting.
  • For over three years, I've recorded a podcast with two of my buddies on the internet. I plan on posting future episodes of the podcast in this blog, but if you want to catch up on what we've recorded so far, here's a primer.
  • It's been an interesting week in video game journalism. As someone looking to increase his status in the field, I recall my struggles learning the ins and outs of writing about this industry.
